There’s no denying girls are growing up faster these days, and they’re being inundated by the media and their peers with negative messages about the way they should look and the way they should act. How can we combat those messages and remind the girls we love to stay true to themselves?
I’ve been searching for ways to reinforce that message for my young nieces, through books and movies with positive female protagonists and inspirational quotes.
I came across a book called “Girls Rule” by Ashley Rice.
The one you see here is the updated edition and it’s a slim book full of positive writings, poems and fun drawings just for girls. There are several other books in the series, narrated by Penelope J. Miller, with themes of following your dream and believing in yourself. Other titles include: "You Go Girl... Keep Dreaming" and "You Are an Amazing Girl: A Very Special Book About Being You and Making Your Dreams Come True."
I gave this book to my niece “Hannah” for her eleventh birthday and she LOVES it. I bought myself a copy so we can talk about it and share our favorite parts. I hope that perhaps it will be a springboard for some fun and insightful conversations.
“Girls Rule” covers uniqueness, courage, friendship and handling change. This is just the thing I was looking for. I will be checking out other books by Ashley Rice as future gift possibilities! You can check out her website here:
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