Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Beacon Street Girls

My eldest niece is 11 ... going on 15. During a recent trip to the bookstore, she immediately went to the teen section in search of a book she wanted. To my dismay, on the cover of the book was a picture of teenagers kissing, raising the concern that this book, and others like it, might be a bit mature for her.

I know, I'm trying to hold onto my nieces' youth and innocence as long as I can! But I figure it can't hurt to encourage her to read books that don't involve make-out scenes.

The Beacon Street Girls is a series of books for tween girls. The books relate to issues preteen girls can relate to without delving into more mature teen topics. Here's a note from the author, Annie Bryant:

"The Beacon Street Girls books are inspired by all the preteen girls I've ever known. I wanted to create a world where girls can go to have fun and learn about who they are, while modeling real-life experiences. The first book, Worst Enemies/Best Friends, explores creating and testing friendships, skewed first impressions, and being the new kid at school. In the end, true friendship conquers all. Welcome to the world of the BSG!"

The Beacon Street Girls also have a website tweens will enjoy.  has games, a journal, and talk, based on the girls from the books. Regarding body image, the site stresses staying healthy, and playing sports. A parent's e-mail address is required for sign-up and parents can cancel at any time.

This is one I will share with my nieces to see if they will enjoy!

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